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From Questions to Conversions: Leveraging Q&A Insights

Written by Jason Deng | Sep 19, 2024 9:20:48 PM

Unique Questions Shape Every Shopper's Journey

Every shopper’s journey is different. When a customer lands on your website, they bring with them a distinct set of needs, preferences, and, most importantly, questions. These questions are often the key to unlocking their confidence in making a purchase. Whether they're curious about specific product details, delivery options, or return policies, they seek answers that will guide their decision.

alby provides unique, real-time insights into the questions your shoppers are asking as they navigate your site. Understanding these questions as they happen gives you a powerful advantage — you can respond to your customers' needs more effectively, fine-tune your product information, and address any concerns before they become roadblocks to purchase.

Unlocking the Power of Real-Time Q&A Insights

lby is an AI shopping assistant that predicts and answers shopper questions directly on product pages. While assisting your shoppers, alby collects valuable data on the questions being asked and customer behavior. It also provides merchants with an intuitive analytics dashboard, offering deeper insights into shopper inquiries and patterns.

Top Questions Your Shoppers Are Asking

The Q&A Insights Dashboard highlights the most frequently asked questions from your shoppers for each product.

For instance, these are the top 5 questions shoppers ask DefenAge’s AI shopping assistant. You can see which products are generating the most questions and the types of questions shoppers have. A common trend, for example, is that shoppers are particularly interested in how to incorporate certain products into their skincare routines and the results they can expect.

Questions That Are Driving Your Shoppers to Buy

alby also tracks conversion data for each question asked, giving you insight into what information shoppers need before they make a purchase.

For example, a question to evo's AI shopping assistant about sizing led to a 12.7% conversion rate for a specific product — a strong performance compared to baseline. By spotting high-conversion questions, you can highlight key details and make the shoppers want to buy.

Questions That Are Driving Your Shoppers to Abandon

On the flip side, alby helps you identify the questions that are causing shoppers to NOT purchase. These insights allow you to pinpoint any gaps in your product information or customer experience. Knowing exactly what’s causing hesitation or confusion empowers you to address these concerns and reduce cart abandonment.

This question about battery life resulted in a 0% conversion rate, which might suggest that shoppers are seeking longer-lasting batteries—potentially signaling an opportunity for product development.

Optimize the Shopping Journey

Discover Keywords for SEO Success

alby’s Q&A insights reveal valuable keywords that drive shopper inquiries. By identifying the exact words and phrases your customers use, you can refine your SEO strategy. Leverage these insights to integrate high-impact keywords into your website, boosting search visibility and aligning your content with what your audience is actively searching for.

Optimizing Product Descriptions

alby helps you pinpoint the exact information customers are searching for before they make a purchase. This insight creates a great opportunity to rewrite and optimize product descriptions. By addressing frequently asked questions directly in your descriptions, you can better meet the needs of your shoppers, reduce friction, and increase the likelihood of conversion.

Refining the alby Experience

alby automatically optimizes its predictive questions to drive conversions. However, alby also empowers merchants to tailor the alby experience by making Rules. For instance, if you want to emphasize eco-friendly materials, you can create a rule like: "When asked about product materials, highlight that it's made from 100% organic, eco-friendly sources." This feature allows merchants to take more control of their brand messaging when desired.

Learn more about alby's AI shopping assistant 

alby is an AI shopping assistant that helps brands sell more by anticipating and answering customer questions. alby seamlessly integrates with Shopify and other common e-commerce platforms, allowing merchants of all sizes to bring AI experiences to their customers.

Take alby for a spin on the playground or schedule a demo today.